I recently discovered that eight out of ten of the top key word searches on this site over the past few months included variations of the following words: construction, iPad, technology and apps. The searches were referred primarily to a blog post I did about my favorite apps for the construction industry. Construction apps are more than just fodder for technology and construction bloggers … they are being used regularly by some as project management tools.
According to an article by the Tennessean last week, "[t]he most important tool if you’re building or remodeling a house is no longer a hammer or a saw; it’s a home computer, iPad, smartphone or other electronic device." The article explains how contractors, designers and owners are collaborating on the project to achieve success:
Builders and homeowners now use computers and handheld electronic devices to instantly share information about the progress of construction projects. To-do lists, schedules, change orders and reports of each milestone are posted on a password-protected website, where they’re just a click of a mouse or a tap of a touch-screen away. . . . . Thanks to technology, homeowners no longer have to spend hours waiting for a contractor who misunderstood the schedule or wondering whether a project is going as planned.
The technology solution featured in the article was Basecamp, an online collaborative project management solution used by many different small businesses. Although I have not used Basecamp, it appears that the software is not specifically geared towards the construction industry. Examples of collaborative software solutions for the construction industry include: Prolog, e-builder, PMWeb, Paskr, and many others.
There are all different types of solutions for your project management needs. The key here is to understand that although one particular software "can" be used on your project, it "may not" be the best solution for your residential, commercial or industrial needs. In other words, you may not need a track hoe when a shovel will suffice … or you may need a boom lift when the ladder won’t reach.
Image: willc2