You will rarely find me advertising on this blog. However, throughout the year I regularly receive inquiries about electronic discovery, mobile apps, and the paperless project. And every couple of years I partner with the Construction Pro Network to address these issues. I am pleased to announce that I will be doing a Webinar on October 8, 2014, at 1:00 p.m. EST.
You can learn best practices for documentation and record management in this 90-minute webinar — From Paper to Paperless: Controlling Construction Documentation, Improving Record Management and Identifying Risk in an Electronic Age. This interactive program will provide you with guidance to help you develop effective procedures for documenting your projects, including the transformation to the paperless project. You’ll get answers to your pressing questions about electronic evidence on a construction project, including the legal issues surrounding social media. This course will explore:
- Why are proper records so essential for claims and disputes?
- “Putting it in writing” rule – what should you record?
- What is the hearsay rule?
- Critical project documentation – what you absolutely need to document; and non-critical documentation – what you don’t need to document
- How to use project management software and Web-based capabilities to move towards a paperless project, establish good audit trail and consolidate project documentation
- Are electronic documents subject to the same discovery rules as paper documents?
- Is a written instruction via e-mail the same as a change order?
- How do social media platforms (Twitter, Facebook, MySpace) affect your project? Do you need a social media policy for your employees?
Please join me for this informative Webinar!