Today, read about the online, head-to-head competition between ConsensusDOCS and AIA.
Continue Reading Construction Contracts Online: ConsensusDOCS and AIA Go Head-to-Head
AIA Documents
Top 20 Contract Issues for Contractors and Subcontractors (Part 1)
I generally follow a "put it writing" rule, which means that if something is in writing it is more than likely to be achieved. Whether you are a list-maker or a goal-setter, your efforts will be rewarded if you put those lists and goals in writing.
In this first part of a four-part series…
Architect and Contractor Sitting in a Tree . . . K-I-S-S-I-N-G
Yesterday, the American Institute of Architects (AIA) and Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) announced a marketing partnership agreement that is designed to foster a greater understanding and exchange of ideas between architects and contractors in the construction industry.
According to the press release, the industry giants have great things to say about each other.
Five AIA Construction Documents Go Green
Earlier this week, I received an alert that "Five AIA Contract Documents are going green!" Developed using AIA’s flagship documents as a base, and incorporating concepts and model language from the AIA’s Guide for Sustainable Projects, the new documents address the unique roles, risks and opportunities encountered on sustainable design and construction projects.
“The development…
Lessons from a Bankruptcy Judge: Learn How to Write
"Pay me less before the dispute erupts … or pay me more after the dispute erupts …" is a phrase that many construction litigators have said to their clients. What that means, practically, is that if you invest the time and money to have your attorney review construction contracts before the job starts, you will save time, money and effort later when the dispute…