We live in a world of e-mails, IMs, texts, Snapchats, Instagrams and the occasional fax.  Although information is transmitted instantaneously in today’s environment, proof of receipt of that information (often called “Notice”) remains subject to some very strict rules imposed by contract, case law or statute.

Notice of Claims.  In a recent transportation case involving

On May 21, 2013, the Office of Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Transportation provided an update to Congress on the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), requiring the Acceleration of Project Delivery (Subtitle C).  MAP-21 is the first long-term surface transportation authorization since 2005 and provides for $105 billion

A contractor’s recovery from an owner for damages suffered by its subcontractor is limited in certain circumstances. The Severin doctrine provides that a general contractor cannot sue an owner on behalf of one of its subcontractors to recover monies due to the subcontractor unless the general contractor is itself liable to the subcontractor.

The Background.

I recently spoke to a group of highway contractors about disadvantaged business enterprise (DBE) laws and regulations and some of the different policies among the state departments of transportation.  Did you know that in FYI 2010, special agents with USDOT’s Office of Inspector General (DOT-OIG) were responsible for 92 indictments, 72 convictions and over $18

Some of the most frequent public contracting questions I receive are about the permissible activities for joint ventures between a minority contractor and a larger contractor.  In February 2011, the Small Business Administration made some significant changes to its Section 8(a) business development program, which helped me answer many of those questions. 

One major category

On July 15, 2011, the USDOT’s Office of Inspector General (DOT-OIG) issued a final report on the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) oversight of federal-aid and Recovery Act projects administered by Local Public Agencies (LPA).  You can download a copy of the report here [pdf].

The DOT-OIG initiated the audit because the FHWA previously acknowledged that LPAs