It has been almost three years since the giant (…Google…) joined the legal research playing field with Westlaw, LEXIS, FindLaw and all the other law-related databases. Today’s post is about how a Google Scholar search can be used for legal research.
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Technology Update: Google Scholar Provides Access to Legal Research
By Matthew DeVries on
Posted in Technology
Heads up Westlaw, LEXIS, FindLaw and all you other law-related databases. There is another giant in the field of legal research. Last night, Google launched a new feature on Google Scholar that makes 80+ years of US federal caselaw and 50+ years of US state caselaw searchable and readable. Here’s what you may find:
- The entire opinions are indexed and
Google Executive Addresses Richmond Law School: “Think Big!”
By Matthew DeVries on
Posted in Technology
My roomie from law school, Rick Klau, sent me a note this past weekend. Actually, he tweeted it! (You, too, can follow me at I was excited to hear where Rick was visiting.
"Best Practices…" you ask, "Why are you posting about your old law school roommate? This is a construction-related blog!"
The best answer…