I am on the board of the Construction Leadership Council of the AGC of Middle Tennessee.  Earlier today, we presented a check to the Ronald McDonald House Charities to help support their great work for sick children and their families in and around Nashville, Tennessee. 

As I drove back to the office, I thought about the importance of helping others … and specifically the impact of giving to others.  I recently heard a Jewish reading about giving:

THERE ARE eight degrees in the giving of Tsedakah, each one higher than the next:

to give grudgingly, reluctantly, or with regret;

to give less than one should, but with grace;

to give what one should, but only after being asked;

to give before one is asked;

to give without knowing who will receive it, although the recipient
knows the identity of the giver;

to give without making known one’s identity;

to give so that neither giver nor receiver knows the identity of the other;

to help another to become self-supporting, by means of a gift, a loan,
or by finding employment for the one in need

Contractors are giving at every level.  Last night, Hardaway Construction and LP Building Products won the AGC of Middle Tennessee’s Community Outreach award for their participation in the construction of Lighthouse Christian School featured on Extreme Home Makeover. In addition, AGC’s Operation Opening Doors is helping renovate a home for a Las Vegas family struggling with medical issues.  

So, at which level are you or your company giving?