In February, I was featured on Kevin O’Neill’s Capital Thinking Radio Show on the VoiceAmerica Business Network to discuss social media business development tips and legal risks.  Well, I’m back to the radio waves tomorrow to discuss new trends in social media, including some recent missteps and use of social media in the political world.  Tune in on Thursday. 

Voice America - The Leader in Internet Media

THURSDAY, April 7, 2011 @ 9 AM PST / Noon EST 
on VoiceAmerica Business Network

Capital Thinking 

Pipeline Safety – Political Internet for 2012 – Campaign Finance Update – Redefining Philanthropy


Join us this week on Capital Thinking with host Kevin O’Neill as we will first be joined by Gordon Arbuckle to discuss pipeline safety and Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood’s plan of action.

Next, we will hear from returning guest Matthew DeVries of Stites & Harbison PPLC on the development of social media since the 2008 elections and how it will change the face of political Internet in 2012.

Then, staying with the topic of elections, William McGinley will join us to talk about next year’s campaign finance changes. 

Finally, Charles Pinto and Michael Cohen, co-founders of unitechange, give us their take on micro-philanthropy, which gives donors the opportunity and tools needed to have a more direct relationship with projects they support.