It happens all the time! The owner-contractor agreement contains a “no damages for delay” clause; a clause requiring that all changes be in writing before work is performed; and a clause requiring partial lien waivers and releases with each periodic payment.  And yet we see a claim for delays and extras filed at the end

Many jurisdictions have allowed construction activities to continue through the COVID-19 pandemic. But the “stay at home” restrictions have varied from a state to state. Restrictions vary depending on whether the project is public infrastructure, to commercial, to health care, to multifamily and residential. (Make sure that you confirm your particular jurisdiction’s orders to see

Contractor licensing violations raise serious concerns for all parties. For an owner, an unlicensed contractor may affect financing options on one end and the contractor’s entitlement to recover profits on the other end. For contractors, a licensing violation can have a crippling effect on all projects, the ability to perform, and the ultimate ability to

They say that hindsight is 20/20.  Who is they, anyway?  The old proverb means that it is easy to understand something after it has already happened. In the world of construction contracts, preservation of claims made in hindsight does not always get you what you want.

In Appeal of Matcon Diamond, Inc., ASBCA No.

I missed it by less than an hour. I was working late last week and left my office right before midnight … which happened to be right before a Category 5 tornado ripped through the outskirts of downtown Nashville and then proceeded to East Nashville and Putnam County.  The next morning, the skies were clear