Words matter. Yesterday, the Supreme Court of Tennessee released its decision in a construction dispute between Ray Bell Construction Company and the Tennessee Department of Transportation.  Where the contractor won the first two rounds at the trial court and intermediate appellate court levels, TDOT prevailed in the final appeal.

The Dispute.  The primary issue in

Some of the most frequent public contracting questions I receive are about the permissible activities for joint ventures between a minority contractor and a larger contractor.  In February 2011, the Small Business Administration made some significant changes to its Section 8(a) business development program, which helped me answer many of those questions. 

One major category

Last week, contractors and subcontractors bidding on Tennessee Department of Transportation projects received an alert from Brian Egan, TDOT Director of Construction, warning of a noticeable increase in unbalance bids [pdf].  While the rules differ among each state, you should take Egan’s warning to heart since the consequence of submitting of an unbalanced bid can

On July 15, 2011, the USDOT’s Office of Inspector General (DOT-OIG) issued a final report on the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) oversight of federal-aid and Recovery Act projects administered by Local Public Agencies (LPA).  You can download a copy of the report here [pdf].

The DOT-OIG initiated the audit because the FHWA previously acknowledged that LPAs

There’s a debate in Congress.  There’s a debate in Congress between Chicago’s two senators.  There’s a debate in Congress between Chicago’s two senators about privatization.

Last week, Bob Sechler of the Wall Street Journal described newly introduced legislation from Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill) called “The Protecting Taxpayers in Transportation Asset Transfers Act.”  The bill seeks

A portion of my construction practice involves employment issues.  You can imagine the types of employment-related questions that arise on the project site:

  • Hiring, firing and layoffs
  • Harassment and discrimination
  • Wage payment and commission claims
  • Employee policies, including computer use and social media
  • On-the-job injuries and fatalities
  • State and Federal OSHA requirements
  • Prevailing wage laws,

Yesterday, highway and bridge contractors in Tennessee received an alert from from TDOT officials about the affect of heavy rain in the area: "I’m sure most are aware of the anticipated rise in the Mississippi River, but could you please share with all that are working in the Mississippi River area and the backwater areas