Excuse the eye patch, as I just had retina surgery yesterday. I am surprised at how different the world looks with only one eye to focus—from the depth of the stairway, to the water flowing from the sink, to the words flying out from the computer screen. In other words, there is more than meets
Construction Law Summit in Nashville: How to Claim an Invitation!
I have been blogging for over 10 years now. I have spoken at construction and leadership conferences all over the country. Do you want to know my favorite place to speak?
My favorite place to speak is wherever I am. That’s right, I enjoy people-meeting, story-telling, and especially problem-solving. Best Practices Construction Law is…
Owners Can Get Cake and Icing Under New Tennessee Lien Law
Seems like last week I was just celebrating one kid’s birthday and I had to do it again last night! Oh, that’s right, I have seven kids with two birthdays in September. So, it was not a dream?!?!?! Although they both got to choose their own family dinner destination, we are going to have one…
“Was Not” versus “Is So”: Court Clarifies Whether Exceeding Monetary License Limit Affects Contractor’s Recovery
After a great extended weekend on the beaches of Florida, we embarked upon the drive back to Nashville with six kids. Despite the clearly defined travel rules, the antagonizing kid was putting his feet on the emotional kid. The creative kid was writing on the seat with markers, while the perfect kid screamed foul. The…
Subcontractor’s Failure to Strictly Comply With Notice Provision Costs $200,000
Whether you are an owner, contractor, subcontractor or supplier, you will want to read the rest of this post since it illustrates precisely what all those attorneys have been telling you for years: “Please, please, please read your contract.” In this instance, one party’s failure to strictly follow the contractual notice provision was a $209,235.36…
The Real Lemon in the Bunch: Understanding Pay-If-Paid Clauses
As you may be aware, one of the greatest risks on a construction project involves the payment process. Just like my kids expect to be paid for the lemonade they sell, contractors and subcontractors expect to be paid on a timely basis once the work has been performed.
Contractors have a means of shifting the…
Discover an Underground Storage Tank During Construction? What Next?
HQ Construction, the Tennessee Department of Transportation‘s new monthly newsletter, recently highlighted in its June 2015 issue an instance when a road builder discovered what appeared to be an underground storage tank (UST). That can certainly disrupt construction, right?

During excavation activities of the…
Change Directive v. Change Order v. Construction Change
In the legal world, words have meaning. Not to say that words have any less meaning in the non-legal world, but sometimes you can get tricked up in your correspondence, notice letters, claims or otherwise when you use the wrong work. Take, for example, the world of changes in the construction context.
When you…
Infographic: Safety In Construction Industry Explained
On June 2, 2014, the AGC of Middle Tennessee will be partnering with other construction trade associations across the state, Tennessee OSHA Outreach Training Centers, as well as TOSHA to have a statewide construction “Fall Protection Safety Stand Down.” As you may be aware, fall construction accidents are one of OSHA’s Focus Four Hazards.
How Contractors Can Make Sure to Receive DBE Participation Credit
Last week, I received an alert from Deborah Luter, TDOT’s Program Director for the Small Business Development Office (SBDP) regarding DBE participation credits.
Many prime contractors may be unaware that subcontracting to a DBE on a TDOT contract does not necessarily mean DBE goal participation credit will be awarded. To receive credit for utilizing a…