As I was watching the evening news this week, I learned that my new home may have some Chinese drywall within its four corners.  What does that mean?  Well, I am too late to the game to accurately capture what has been going on the world of Chinese drywall litigation.  Just check out the growing number of Google-News archives for "Chinese drywall."  Or check out the new legislative update from ENR on drywall issues.

Here is a round-up of a few my favorite posts:

  • On Construction Law Monitor, Scott Wolfe discusses the difficult choices faced by builders, homeowners, and construction attorneys.  These posts contain thoughtful considerations and practical checklists when dealing with drywall claims.
  • On his other blog called Chinese Drywall Blog, Scott highlights a chart of drywall shipments from China, which is easy to read and provides great information (prepared by the Harold Tribune).

I have not seen or heard of any claims in Tennessee, but there were reports on the news that new homes ( … like mine … ) being built in the 2005-2006 "may" have some of the tainted materials.  We know it made it to Charleston, South Carolina … but did it make here?