One of my favorite leadership gurus, Michael Hyatt (CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing) posted a few good recommendations a couple months ago about using templates for greater efficiency. Michael wrote:
For years, I have used the concept of “templating” to improve my productivity. The idea is that you create a template for any task that you find yourself doing repeatedly. So instead of “reinventing the wheel” every time, you do it once, save it as a template, and then reuse it.
In my construction litigation practice, I have used various templates to make my life easier during various stages of a construction disputes. This week, I want to share with you a couple of those templates.
The first one is a mechanic’s lien information sheet (pdf) that outlines the background information that is needed for me to file a Notice of Non-Payment or Notice of Lien on behalf of a client. The type of information that I need to file a lien includes the following:
- Is the project residential or commercial?
- Is the Contract with the owner of the property or the prime contractor?
- Name and address of property owner and prime contractor.
- Name of project/subdivision; property location map; and property address and/or lot number.
- Type of service/material/labor supplied to the project.
- Commencement date (ground breaking) of the project.
- Beginning date of your work on the project.
- Total amount invoiced to date with a copy of the invoices.
- Amount owed or unpaid on the project.
- Last date of your work on the project.
- Date entire project was completed.
- Any “Notice of Completion” recorded?
- Any payment bonds issued?
While this information appears to be a no-brainer request for those contractors who file liens on a regular basis, I have found over the years that my clients appreciate the template that I send them. This way, there is no confusion about what information I need from them and I am able to more effeciently help my client pursue their rights.