You may have met my 22 year old Princess when she was 11. A few years ago, I was teaching her about grace … undeserved merit or favor.

Well, my daughter was stalling and delaying on eating her meal … by almost an hour. So, naturally, I saw this as a teachable moment.


A few years ago, I did a post on whether a digital signature in a construction contract was valid. Given the regularity by which parties now communicate by email, it is certainly a subject worth revisiting.

In United States ex rel. Cummins-Wagner Co., Inc. v. Fidelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland, the United States

I received an alert from my friends at KraftCPAs yesterday with the following subject line: "How long should your keep you tax records?"

The post by Morganne Keel contains some very basic, succinct and easy-to-implement ideas for document retention of tax records, including the following:


Individual taxpayers

Keep at least three years, but

A few months ago, I did a webinar on project documentation.  At the end of the webinar, one of the participants asked, Are digital signatures as good as hard copy signatures?

I addressed this exact question in a feature article that I wrote for ABC’s Construction Executive magazine on the paperless construction project