For all my Nashville and Middle-Tennessee friends, I want to take a moment to highlight two upcoming conferences.  Although the programs are geared towards construction lawyers, don’t shy away if you did not get a “shark degree” from Build ‘Em Big University … Each conference offers a little different glimpse depending on your career path.  What do I mean?

Attend the Fundamentals of Construction Law

The Fundamentals of Construction Law will be held on November 5, 2009 in Nashville, TN (…along with many other locations…) and is taught by leading construction lawyers.  This program presents a unique opportunity for new construction lawyers or experienced lawyers who occasionally practice construction law to learn the essentials from those who practice it daily at its highest levels. The program concisely covers the gamut of construction issues including:the roles of the key participants in a project, the structure of project delivery systems, the bidding and construction process, insurance and bonding and dispute resolution.

For the non-lawyer: This seminar will give you a great glimpse into the basic legal principles affecting your construction practice.

The Nashville conference is being coordinated by Joe Welborn, one of my partners (… and all-around-great-guy…).  If you have any questions about the program, then send Joe an email.


The second conference, the Tennessee Association of Construction Counsel Fall Meeting, will be held the very next day on November 6, 2009.  For the construction lawyers, there are three seminars right up your alley:

  • Litigation Strategies for the Construction Law Practitioner, by experienced litigator Andy Ness
  • Steel Structural Collapse of the Chicago Post Office Building, by engineer and expert Ian Chin (pdf)
  • Bankruptcy Law for the Construction Practitioner, by bankruptcy guru Dan Puryear

For the non-construction lawyer:  You will not want to miss the mock trial! Learn from the pros on how to best present your case.  Participants include: Davidson County Chancellor Ellen Hobb Lyle (as judge), Tim Gibbons and Todd Panther (as advocates), and Gary Parkes and David Wright (as fact and expert witnesses).

The TACC conference is being coordinated by Vic McConnell, another one of my partners ( …and another-all-around-great-guy…).  If you have any questions about the program, then send Vic an email.