When parties to a construction project find themselves in a dispute, there are a few options to help find a resolution. These can include: engaging in informal settlement discussions, taking the dispute to an initial decision maker identified in the contract, or hiring a third-party mediator to help the parties find a resolution. If the
Alternative Dispute Resolution
A Preliminary Review of the American Arbitration Association’s New ClauseBuilder
Yesterday, I received an email alert from the American Arbitration Association announcing ClauseBuilder, an on-line arbitration and mediation tool that assists individuals and organizations in drafting arbitration and mediation agreements. In today’s post, I review the program.
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AAA Announces Game Changer: Potential Arbitrators Now Available Online!
The NCAA college basketball tournament is not the only exciting game in town. The American Arbitration Association (AAA) recently announced a game changer called Arbitrator Select.
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Construction Law Seminars in the Music City
For all my Nashville and Middle-Tennessee friends, I want to take a moment to highlight two upcoming conferences. Although the programs are geared towards construction lawyers, don’t shy away if you did not get a “shark degree” from Build ‘Em Big University … Each conference offers a little different glimpse depending on your career path. …
Arbitrating Construction Disputes: Would You Like “Reason” With That Award?
Who knew that dispute resolution was a lot like ordering from a menu? Would you like one arbitrator or a panel of three arbitrators? Would you like your jurisdictional questions to be determined by the court or the arbitrator? Which arbitration rules do you want to apply? So many choices . . .
Recently, the American Arbitration Association revised and…