Folllow @matthewdevries on TwitterTweet … Tweet … Tweet!  No, I am not cat-calling or whistling at you.  I am tweeting from the ABA Forum on the Construction Industry’s annual meeting in Austin, Texas.  The program chairs have set up a Twitter account for the conference.  You can follow @forumaustin or search the hashtag #forumaustin.  If you want to follow my Tweets, you can do so at @matthewdevries.  Also, make sure to send me an email or message if you want to meet up.  And now, to the program schedule:

The Age of Turbulence: Managing Money Issues in Construction

  1. From Project Concept to Funding: Where Do You Get the Money?
  2. Shaking hte Money Tree: Funding Our Way Out of the Infrastructure Crisis
  3. The Inside and Out of Public Private Partnerships
  4. Foreign Exchange: The 10 Commandments for Successful Execution of International EPC Projects
  5. Accounting for Construction Lawyers
  6. Realizing “Value” from Value Engineering: Costs, Benefits and Legal Issues
  7. Damages Beyond the Contract: Tort and Statutory Liabilty for Architects, Engineers and Contractors
  8. The AACE Recommended Practice for Forensic Schedule Analysis
  9. Pursuing Payment: Damned if You; Damned if You Don’t
  10. Walking the High Wire While Juggling: Strategies to Manage Litigation Costs and Meet Client Expectations
  11. Law and Life Series: Making the Business Case for Diversity in the Practice of Constructoin Law
  12. Consequential Damages in the Current Economic Climate: A Guide to Recovery and Avoidance
  13. Pre- and Post-Judgment Collection Remedies: Show Me the Money!
  14. When to Terminate the Client: It’s An Ethical Question

That’s a packed schedule for three days.  Let me know if there is a specific session you want me to attend.  I will be your proxy and do a special post on Friday.