Where’s Waldo? The real question is, Where’s Matt? If you’ve wondered where I have been the past few days, try looking in Texas and North Carolina. I have been preparing to speak at two construction law conferences in two different states. Look closely and you might find me.
On Thursday, I will be speaking at the University of Texas School of Law 2010 Construction Law Conference in Dallas, Texas. I am speaking with Jeffrey Peters of Rimkus Consulting Group and our topic will be: “LEED 101 and Beyond: Incentives, Design, Construction Pitfalls, Certifications and Contracts.” In this workshop, Jeff and I will be talking about the design issues, contracts and certifications for green and sustainable development, including a look at the most common green standards and how they are used to certify green buildings. We will also talk about the financial incentives driving developers to go “green” and some of the possible challenges with this type of construction.
On Saturday, I am speaking at the North Carolina Bar Construction Law Section Annual Meeting in Greensboro, North Carolina. Our panel of regional construction lawyers will discuss common construction issues that arise in NC, SC, GA, TN and VA, including statutes of limitations and statutes of repose, lien and bond claim deadlines, contractual quirks and indemnity requirements.
What’s in it for you? Well, if you check back with me on Monday … and send me an email, a direct message to Twitter @matthewdevries, or a LinkedIn message, I will send you a copy of one, the other, or both presentations.