As we enter the holiday season, some people have strict guidelines about when the Christmas tree or other holiday decorations are allowed to takeover our daily lives, offices, and homes.  The red and white ribbons and the colored lights of Christmas cannot be hung until after the orange pumpkins, brown leaves and turkey carcasses are

The past week has been one of sweeping changes. (…no comment…)  But one set of non-controversial changes is the Revised Construction Industry Arbitration and Mediation Procedures released by the American Arbitration Association.


The Rules, which take effect July 1, 2015, can be downloaded here.  The major revisions include:

  • A mediation step for

Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday to You! Happy Birthday Dear AAA Supplementary Rules! Happy Birthday to you!

One year ago, the American Arbitration Association implemented new rules to provide an arbitration process that would be more predictable in terms of time and cost. The Supplementary Rules for Fixed Time and Cost Construction

Yesterday, I received an email alert from the American Arbitration Association announcing ClauseBuilder, an on-line arbitration and mediation tool that assists individuals and organizations in drafting arbitration and mediation agreements. In today’s post, I review the program.
Continue Reading A Preliminary Review of the American Arbitration Association’s New ClauseBuilder

Who knew that dispute resolution was a lot like ordering from a menu?  Would you like one arbitrator or a panel of three arbitrators?  Would you like your jurisdictional questions to be determined by the court or the arbitrator?  Which arbitration rules do you want to apply?  So many choices . . .

Do you want a "reasoned award" in arbitration?

Recently, the American Arbitration Association revised and