A recent ENR headline caught my attention: “Structural Engineers Learn Lessons From Failures Through Digital Databases.” The article by Nadine Post discussed a new digital database—similar to YouTube, SharePoint and Wikipedia—being developed by structural engineers to “harness knowledge” to avoid future loses.  

As noted in Post’s article, “[w]ith global engineering research, knowledge and failure

You have probably already seen quick response (QR) codes appearing in magazines, newspapers, posters, business cards and in various other print sources.  As smartphone technologies and uses become more prevalent, the use of QR codes is increasing … and expanding in scope.  The construction industry is seeing some new and innovative uses, including the following:

Does your construction company, architectural firm or development group have a Facebook fan page?  Are you worried about what advertising laws apply to a social media platforms?

The Federal Trade Commission has eliminated any question of whether liability can arise in connection with consumer endorsements for the obvious reason that consumers may rely on endorsements

Last year around this time, I blogged about a new report indicating that half of the construction industry was using building information modeling (BIM) on their projects.  Last week, the BIM community lit up in response to an article by Nadine Post, which was featured in both Engineering News-Record and Architectural Record.