There’s a time in every blogger’s life where you simply have to grab your login information by the boot straps, step up to the blogosphere plate, and give a shout-out to another organization’s event, such as: 

The Tennessee Builders’ Ball brings together industry organizations to solidify support of the designs, Real Estate and Construction Industries

The Obama administration is scheduled to issue a final rule today that allows federal agencies to require public contractors to use public labor agreements (PLA) on large public construction projects. PLAs are collective bargaining agreements that establish the terms and conditions of employment for a specific construction project.  They have been used on private jobs, as well as state

On December 24, 2009, the United States Senate voted to pass its own version of the health care package.  You have probably heard cries about the length of the bill (1,990 pages).  You have probably heard the cries about the costs.  But have you heard about an amendment that may significantly affect the construction industry?

Read Between the Lines


AGC's Guide to Construction FinancingTwo months ago I reported about a new "just holding hands" partnership between Associated General Contractors (AGC) and the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) in Tennessee.  Although not a partnership, AGC established a task force in early 1999 with members from AGC,  the American Subcontractors Association (ASA) and the Associated Specialty Contractors (ASC).  Last week, the powerhouse group released its

I received an email this morning with the following warning: "The following message is intended for construction audiences only. Do NOT watch this clip alone or in the dark. Please wait 30-minutes after eating before watching this clip. DO forward this video on to a friend or colleague."

A couple of

As a father of five children, I have fully prepared myself for "the" talk.  Already, I have discussed the various scenarios with my daughter about dating, courtship and marriage.  According to this eleven-year-old Princess, the line in the sand of appropriateness … is … "just holding hands."  (Whew!)

 Just Holding Hans ... ABC and AGC

Last week, the two primary construction industry groups in Tennessee—the