ConsensusDocs released the new ConsensusDocs 498 Design-Build Teaming Agreement today, which provides a standard contract for parties desiring to form a team for the purpose of submitting a bid on a design-build project.

According to the press release, this agreement has the flexibility for those team members to include design professionals, contractors and other parties.

"Pay me less before the dispute erupts … or pay me more after the dispute erupts …" is a phrase that many construction litigators have said to their clients.  What that means, practically, is that if you invest the time and money to have your attorney review construction contracts before the job starts, you will save time, money and effort later when the dispute

In case you have not heard, on June 11, 2009, ConsensusDOCS released what is reported to be the first and only standard contract designed specifically for federal government construction projects. The ConsensusDOCS 752-Subcontract for Federal Construction Projects provides all of the necessary terms and conditions essential to comply with the Federal Acquisition Regulation ("FAR"). In